GALORE’s ‘Erotica’ 2014 Calendar

Galore’s ‘Erotica’ calendar boldly goes where no calendars have been before

It’s not your usual subject matter, slotting in between the ideals of fashion and the unspoken grit of fetish; and nor does it contain the usual array of slender female models. There are naked bodies, leather harnesses, stilettos and scrawled notes about sexual acts.
It’s Galore Mag’s calendar for 2014, themed around Erotica (if you couldn’t tell that from one glance), and it’s comprised of 30 odd images that span the sexy to the downright sexual, conforming to little but the idea that – when it comes to fetish – there should well be something for everyone.
Cora Keegan @ Next
Britt Linn @ RED
Meki Saldana @ One.1
Felicity Hayworth @ Wilhelmina
Myla Dalbesio @ JAG
Liam Dean @ RED
Paul Olczyk @ RED
Amy Hixson @ SUPREME
Andrea Astoria @ IMAGES