show runner Ron Moore: Fair Amount of Sex in 'Outlander'

'Outlander': New photo and Ron Moore interview

Since you’re on Starz, how much sex will the show have?
Moore: It’s an intimate show in an epic setting. There is a fair amount. We don’t really have to add very much; there’s a lot of sex in the book. There’s a fair amount of violence, too, but it’s not a battle show — we’re not getting into the big slo-mo spurts of blood.

* Hence the casting of unknown Caitriona "Full Frontal" Balfe
In a related matter, what the news on another Claire? STARZ ballet show with nudity galore: Flesh and Bone? Are they are in final stages of casting? Far more importantly, they need to cast an actor rather than a dancer with bit of an acting background. It would be a disastrous move considering Claire is the lead and the anchor of the series. Hiring a proper actor who can hold a scene. The other three girls are woefully inexperienced.