Hi I’m the actress Madeline Zima from CALIFORNICATION. Ask Me Anything!
UPDATE: Thank you everyone! I loved answering your questions! If you want to keep chatting please tweet me at @madelinezima1. Hi, I’m the actress Madeline Zima from CALIFORNICATION and BETAS. Here’s proof it’s me: http://imgur.com/xFKR50A. I just finished a great film called #STUCK that is now raising funds for a theatrical release. Please check it out here: http://getstuckintheaters.com.Q: First of all, I would like to say I'm a huge fan. My question is: What is your favorite part of being on a set?
A: Craft Service! No question. Also, getting to know the rest of the cast and crew.
Q: What's craft service?
A: Tables of free food. Lots of donuts, bagels, candy, chips, etc. It's heaven.
Q: Do you like acting or is that just something which pays the bills?
A: I LOVE acting the higher aspects of life are examined its beautiful, sometimes it feels like an exploration of the human spirit. However sometimes its just a job, and the nanny was unusual because I was too young to really understand what a job is and I took events personally.
Nanny: more emotionally scarring than anything
Californication: Californication was not my favorite experience. It was not necessarily a "fun" set to be on.
Crazy Eyes: It was soooo fun.
#STUCK: positive, but we have to discount here since you are currently promoting.
Q: Is there any animosity towards your parents cause they "pushed" you into acting (you said your first job was as a baby)? Do you wish you had a more "normal" childhood or wouldn't you change anything?
A: I would not change a thing. My parents were wonderful. It was the other adults who should have treated a child well, and they were not kind. My parents gave me a little head start in this harsh world, and I could never pay them back.
Q: First off, you are a goddess. Big fan of yours in Californication and was disappointed when you didn't come back. Why was Californication not a fun set to be on? Will you ever make a re-appearance?
A: First off, thank you - I think the term "goddess" is an underused word. I will never make a reappearance because the show is over and they never asked me to come back. I've just been on sets that are much more fun.
A: That is pretty hard in LA, but this goddess is keeping hope alive! As for Californication it is in its seventh and final season, but I am not involved.
Q: Sorry, I have another question. How did you manage an executive producer credit on #Stuck? I've never really understood what an executive producer does. I just know they're very important. lol
A: I invested in the film myself actually because I really believe in the project. Generally the EP plays a huge part in funding the film. Actually one of the donation levels of #STUCK in an EP credit. Check it out.
Q: Seeing your boobs and then seeing you punch someone in the nose a second later gave me a confused boner. It was pretty empowering for women and I'm scared I might like that. What was your take on the scene v.s. overall man-whoring theme of Californication?
PS: Your boo(t/b)s are fantastic!
A: I felt like it was a mirror holding up to society, showing some of the emptiness, some of the ugliness. So many people misread that message, thinking you should go out and just fuck a bunch of women and that would make you a bigger man. Instead of filling that human void that can only be filled with real love.
Q: What was your favorite scene from Breaking The Girls. Mine was when you acted drunk or were you really drunk if not that was some good acting
A: You're not allowed to drink on set. It goes against the insurance policy. Soooo thank you for the round-about compliment
Q: Is there a difference in atmosphere/vibe on sets between broadcast television, cable, and online (i.e. Betas)? Or is it all similar and more dependent on the scenes being filmed?
A: This is a great question. It feels as though the newer frontier of entertainment, i.e., with internet shows, the executives are young and kind of "get it," so you don't have to have as many fights about creative ideas. You feel more creatively supported.
Q: What is your favourite thing about being an actress and what made you interested in going for the role in Californication? (loved the show btw) :)
A: My favorite thing about being an actress is when people appreciate my work, and it gives them relief from their lives. The permission that a film gives people to have an emotional experience that they're not allowed to have in their normal lives. Basically, you go to the movies to sit next to a bunch of strangers and are allowed to cry. It's very healing.
Q: First, thanks for doing this AMA, I've had a girl crush on you for years. I have two questions for you:
What was it like working with Fran Drescher? Were earplugs involved?
What was your favorite part about filming on Californication? (it was the sex scene with David, wasn't it?)
A: Everyone thinks sex scenes are romantic or fun but they are literally so awkward and uncomfortable and a bunch of eyes are watching wanting you to "be sexy" and your thinking I hope my face stops shaking!
Q: I can only imagine! Id think the most enjoyable part of that would have been punching him, but that's just me. :) Thanks for answering!
A: I didn't actually punch him. I fake it really well... It's not a good idea to punch the executive producer of the show : )
A: Thanks for the girl crush! Um, work is work every experience is valuable and you learn from for better or worse.
Q: How did you get involved acting?
A: My first audition was an open call for a Downey commercial when I was 24 months old. Crazy! I booked it out of 1,000 other babies : )
Q: Hi! Thanks for doing this! You're awesome. What are your sisters up to?
A: Yeah! My sisters just did a film called "Automatic Hate" with Adelaide Clemons and Joseph Cross. It's going to be a film festival darling. I'm so proud.
Q: First and Foremost I just want to stop in, say hi, and wish you a great holiday season. I've been a fan of your work for a long time and have many fond memories of watching you on the nanny growing up. I do have a few questions for you though:
What was it like to work with David Duchovny?
What was your favorite scene to film in Mr. Nanny with Hulk Hogan?
Obligatory Nanny Question: When the whole cast was together doing a show was it difficult to keep a straight face (especially considering some of the stuff Fran Drescher did?
I know you did some work on heroes but with the recent boom in comic book movies is that a medium you have ever considered stepping into?
1: David was great.
2: Do YOU remember what you were doing at 6 years old? I need a past-life regression to remember...
3: It was difficult not to cry from all the abuse.
4: Yes I would love to get into the comic book arena. I'm a big fan of capes.
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