by Rob Black |

This topic covers two of my favorite issues. Fat people and the disdain that I have for them and Republicans.
You're saying Rob, are you gonna talk about politics on your afternoon show? Is that what you're gonna do?
And I say well, yes I am. There's nothing really going on in porn at the moment and it's my show. So go fuck yourself.
I've been sitting on Governor Fat Fuck Chris Christie's scandal for a coupla days now. And you know that I was chomping on the bit to get on this. You definitely knew I was chomping at the bit.
So welcome to The Fat Fuck Zone.
Let me fill some of my audience in. I know that some of my audience aren't that politically savvy. I know that a lot of you just wanna talk about herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis and everything that goes with that.
Some of my other fans know that this is a political show, a social show and that we have started to veer away from talking about pornography issues for six hours a day. We've explained to everybody that when we started this odyssey nine months ago, porn was just a vehicle to get us over. Meaning, to get us into the limelight and to create talk and buzz about us.
As we pivoted from talking about dick, pussy and herpes every goddamn day, we have now turned to current events, politics, entertainment. Everything that a Rush Limbaugh or a Howard Stern or a Sean Hannity or a Alan Colmes or a Chris Matthews would entail and infuse them with a little Rob Black and his life and history in porn.
So let me explain who Governor Chris Christie is. He is the New Jersey governor. And he is fat. And when I say fat, he is morbidly obese. His family is overweight as well. When the leader of the family cannot control his urge to engorge himself and is unhealthy, the odds are that his family will follow suit. It's sad, but that is what generally happens.
Chris Christie is disgusting, both in his body and who he is. The disgusting part as far as politics goes is this:
As I explained, he is the governor of New Jersey. Now that is nothing to really brag about, considering that New Jersey is the armpit of the east coast. It really is. From the way it smells to the way it looks. It is just a disgusting place to live. Even the mob looked at New Jersey as just a cesspool of shit. When you are a shitty mobster, you are ostracized to New Jersey.
When you talk to somebody from New York about New Jersey, they tell you that it is just a disgusting, vile, filthy place. Full of wretched people and entities like those located in Hightstown, New Jersey at a place that is known as IVD, where an evil wizard by the name of Frank Koretsky plots his nefarious schemes to obliterate humanity and take over the world.
Let me explain to you what happened. Around September, there were local highway lanes that went into the heavily traveled George Washington Bridge. For four days there were lane closures that caused massive traffic disruptions in the New Jersey town of Fort Lee. And there were people who were literally not able to go to work.
This George Washington Bridge links New Jersey to New York and is a massive traffic hub. Mysteriously, for four days, every goddamn lane was shut down, except for one. So you had people who couldn't get to work. You had children not able to get to school. You had people actually die because they couldn't get to the doctor.
For those of you in California, imagine the 405 shut down, with only one lane open. For four days. Six lanes closed Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. During work, during everything that you had to do for four days, every lane shut done but one. If you had to go to LAX from the Valley to catch a flight, forget about it.
This is basically what happened in New Jersey/New York. The George Washington Bridge was shut down, except for one lane. And this is connecting two states, I was just trying to give you an example that Angelenos could relate to.
Now this is why all of this happened. Mark Sokolich, a Democrat mayor in the town of Fort Lee, New Jersey didn't want to endorse Governor Chris Christie in his re-election bid. It was apparently very important to get that endorsement. Christie said it wasn't, but it was.
Because Chris Christie is trying to run for President in 2016 and his mantra has always been that he doesn't care about whether someone is a Republican or a Democrat. He cares about working to make the country better. So he needed to as many Democrats in big political positions to support him as he could. That is why he danced around with President Obama during the Hurricane Sandy crisis. He got a lot of heat from Republicans, because it was during the Mitt Romney campaign.
He fired back and said that if a Democrat does something good, he supports him. Obama was helpful during the hurricane, so Christie lauded him for it. It was basically a strategy he was using so he could run in 2016.
Christie also got his stomach stapled because people said that he was a big fat fuck and if he wanted to run for president he had to lose weight. So he went and had the gastric bypass surgery. He didn't have enough willpower or discipline to keep the cookies and cake out of his big fat Republican mouth.
The mayor who didn't want to endorse him was now going to be punished. So Christie's top political aide, a woman by the name of Bridget Anne Kelly, the deputy chief of staff, set out to just that. I'm gonna say that again. She was the deputy chief of staff.
Now, this is a governor who has been touted as being a no nonsense governor, who people say is a bully because he calls motherfuckers out and will say that they are wrong, whether they are a Democrat or Republican. He's very hands on. He gets in your face.
This man is obviously firmly in control of his administration. This is a man who rules with an iron fist. This man knows what the fuck is going on in his administration.
But, on this one incident, he had no idea what happened. He didn't know anything. He said that Bridget Kelly was stupid and deceitful and she lied. She lied and was fired.
He said that it was outrageous and hurtful that someone who was with him for four years, that he trusted with all the goings on with his administration, would lie to him.
Exactly. It doesn't make sense, Governor Christie. Because YOU are lying. What you did was criminal.
Now there is an investigation and the Justice Department is looking into it, because you had people that missed school, missed work and you had people who fucking died. All because the mayor of Fort Lee, Mark Sokolich, a Democrat, did not want to endorse Chris Christie. So guess what happened? They closed down all those lanes to trying to make sure that Mark Sokloich's life would be a living hell. For four days. And he would remember never to cross Governor Chris Christie.
That is what the governor of New Jersey did, ladies and gentlemen. Do you understand that?
Sokolich was beside himself. This is something that he could not fathom. That a governor would do this all because he did not give an endorsement.
To make it even more disgusting, this deputy chief Kelly had communication with another Christie appointee who controlled the Port Authority, a man by the name of David Wildstein. So now you had two Christie appointees. Two people who worked for the governor. Not one rogue person. But two "rogues."
Kelly emailed Wildstein and said, "Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee." Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee. And David Wildstein's response was, "Got it."
So now you have two top Christie aides, two very close political appointees, in two very important positions, conspiring to create a massive, massive, deadly traffic jam between New Jersey and New York on The George Washington Bridge, all because a democratic mayor would not endorse Governor Christie.
Ladies and gentlemen, are you comprehending this? Good.
The Fort Lee mayor was never advised that there would be any closures. He was never advised of any lanes being closed for what was said to be a "traffic study." The chaos ensnarled millions of commuters, as well as emergency responders. Which means people died. Millions of people were affected. Because they wanted to fuck with a mayor.
Even MORE disgusting is that on September 10th, Wildstein texted Kelly that he was smiling about the incident, but felt badly for the kids, referring to students stuck for hours on busses. To which Kelly replied, "They are children of Buono voters." Barbara Buono was the Democratic challenger to Christie in the last election.
Wildstein was smiling about the incident, but felt badly for the kids. Little fucking kids stuck on busses. For HOURS. Little children. Innocent fucking people.
I can see fucking with an adult. They're all guilty of something. But a child, many children. Kids. A kid's not even shitty yet. They poop their pants and yell on an airplane. For that you stick them on a bus for five fucking hours? All because you're butt hurt about an endorsement?
That's fucked up sick shit that only a fucking Republican would do. Only a Republican would do that.
And what does this little cuntbag Bridget Kelly say? "They are children of Buono voters." That is what this little piece of shit Kelly said. You guys get that?
Bridget Kelly said that those little kids are the fucking kids of Buono. Barbara Buono. Governor Chris Christie's political rival in the last election in November.
So basically Kelly was saying the these little Democratic children? Fuck em. Fuck them. They can die for all she cares. If their parents aren't Republican and aren't voting for a Republican, they can fucking die.
How's that for a Republican? How's that? That's how Governor Christie's camp feels about kids. Fuck em. They are the children of Buono voters. Fuck em. They're Democrats.
There you go, ladies and gentlemen. That is your New Jersey governor Chris Christie. And more importantly, that is the person who is going to represent the Republican Party in the next presidential election against our female candidate Hillary Clinton.
So you guys want a piece of shit like that in the White House? You want a guy who basically says, "Fuck your kids?" That, in a nutshell, is what this governor is saying.
This is an amazing event.
Wildstein resigned from the Port Authority in December and under subpoena appeared at a New Jersey inquiry on Thursday but refused to answer questions, leading lawmakers to hold him in contempt.
Christie also ordered his two time campaign manager Bill Sepien to step down. So now you have THREE close Christie confidantes involved in a massive, dangerous and ultimately deadly political ploy. A 91 year old woman died because she couldn't get medical treatment because of this artificially induced traffic nightmare. So they are basically guilty of murder.
Governor Chris Christie and his office are guilty of MURDER. All because of retribution because a mayor did not back him.
There are three close aides and advisors to Chris Christie involved in this plot. But Christie says he does not know anything. Really?
If you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you. The George Washington Bridge.
Three people. One, two, three. Not one rogue person going on Twitter and saying something stupid. THREE people involved in a dangerous game of retribution for political gain. His campaign manager, his deputy chief of staff and the head of the Port Authority.
This is fucking UNBELIEVABLE. Right now, as far as I'm concerned the governor should resign. Because you can't get people more close to him than are involved in this scandal. Hell, Nixon resigned the PRESIDENCY because he was involved in putting a little bug in an office. Bill Clinton lied about a blowjob and was impeached. Nobody died and no children were affected and endangered.
Three people involved in this are so close to the governor that it is basically impossible that this fat cocksucker didn't know what was going on. You're talking about the deputy chief of staff, the Port Authority and his fucking campaign manager. People who interact with him EVERY DAY. His two time campaign manager. The man who made him governor was involved in this. And Governor Christie didn't know?
The man who ran President Obama's campaign. A man by the name of David Axelrod. The men who ran President Clinton's campaign, James Carville, Paul Begala and George Stephanopoulos. That would be like those guys were involved. I don't think Clinton would've gotten away with saying he didn't know.
"James Carville was fired today because he was involved in shutting the American Railroad system. When President Clinton was asked, he said he had no idea what that sneaky little snake was up to."
Think that would've worked? Me either.
This is just unbelievably horrific. Rather it was a Democrat or a Republican. For a governor to do something like this is unbelievably bad. I mean, this governor contributed to people dying. Not in a war, not in an accident. For petty political gain.
He can sit there and throw his hands up and say he didn't know anything all he wants. That's just like him saying I didn't know that if you eat a hundred Twinkies every day you will become a fat fuck.
Are you going to look at this man and believe anything he says? Guys, you can't trust fat people. Unless there is a medical reason for their obesity, like an endocrine problem or something, a fat person will stuff their face and get fatter and fatter. Even though they know that it is unhealthy and endangers their lives. This is what Chris Christie is about. He deliberately endangered people for political advantage. He did something that he knew would adversely affect millions of people. Yet, he says he didn't know anything about it.
Again, if you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you. It spans between New Jersey and New York and it is known as The George Washington.
A guy who has no willpower to stop engorging himself also has no willpower to stop what's going on. He didn't say, "Guys, this is horrible. Don't do this." He didn't do that . He let it happen.
Here's another thing to ponder. When Bridget Kelly contacted Port Authority with this plan, you don't think that the Port Authority guy would've said, "Whoa, wait a minute here. You want me to do what? Is this coming from the top?" You think that a man is going to endanger his livelihood, his career, not to mention the millions of people that he is tasked to serve, unless he knew with absolute CERTAINTY that the man from the top had his back? You don't think he got some indication from Christie himself that this was OK to do?
Now if you do not, I have a nice little bridge that I'm selling. Maybe you've heard of it? It's initials are GW.
Chris Christie is a man who likes to bully people. If a reporter asks him a question that he does not like, he calls them an idiot. He calls them stupid. You're gonna tell me that this man is now Mr. Docile? Mr. Babe in the Woods?
Again, this is a guy who proclaims he runs everything. A buck stops here kinda guy. Hands on.
Except for his campaign manager, his deputy chief of staff and his Port Authority manager.
To let this piece of shit off the hook is unfathomable. Unfathomable. What he did was criminal. Criminal. I don't know any other way to see it.
If a Democrat did this, it would be World War 9. Defcon 10. Clinton got his cock sucked by a fatty and lied about it because he didn't want his balls busted.
Yet, you have a Republican governor who legitimately caused people to die and children to be tortured. Because a mayor did him wrong. I would say that this is legitimately domestic terrorism. That is what it is. Domestic terrorism.
When you're sitting there with three of your top appointees and you're closing down highways and you're preventing people from going to the hospital and going to school and work and you are contributing to peoples' death, you are a domestic terrorist.
I don't know of anything that is worse than that. I really don't.
And if you're gonna tell me that blowing your load on a fat girl and lying about it is, I've got a bridge to sell…
Getting the point?
So New Jersey, you should definitely be proud. You were always the laughing stock of all the states before, now you are enshrined in the laughing stock hall of fame forever. You are forever losers. The gangsters think you're losers, comedians think you're losers. Now the entire world knows you're losers. Because you have a governor that closes down your bridges because a little mayor didn't suck his big fat cock.
He says he didn't know that three people who were closest to him were involved. This is a scumbag. More importantly, this is a Republican.
I want you all to remember that when you go to vote in this years's elections and the presidential election in 2016.
This is what you're gonna get if you vote for a Republican, someone who will shut down a bridge and doesn't care about children. "Fuck em, they're Buono voters kids." What else would they shut down? Those pieces of shit already shut down the government. Thank you Teddy Cruz. Nice going, Texas.
You think anything else is safe? Benefits for the poor? Rights for women? Hey, African Americans, did you like that whole slavery thing? Women, you like to vote?
Because anyone who would endanger children and sick people will have no problem whatsoever fucking over a 40 year old woman or a 50 year old black man.
That is a Republican.
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