ON THE RISE: Rose McIver On Her Blossoming Career, ‘Brightest Star’ And More!

I sort of stumbled into it myself. When I was very little, my older brother was scouted to be in a couple of commercials and a short film and my Mom, somewhat begrudgingly, let him do it! At some point he needed a younger sister on a short film short. It was basically a baby in a scene. My Mom was there with me anyway, so we did it. I think that is how it first happened. Then it keeps happening intermediately. New Zealand’s film industry is tiny, so we became friends with a lot of the people we were working with. My Mom was very adamant that she wanted us to stay in school and we did. I did little bits and pieces on my holidays and kept enjoying it. It was almost like a hobby, like other people playing tennis or doing ballet. I just kept doing it and towards my final years of school, more or more opportunities were coming up. When I finished school, I just went with it and have been very lucky to stay employed since then!
Who would you cite as your biggest influences as a young actor?
There is a woman in New Zealand named Miranda Harcourt, who an actor and drama coach. She is someone who I always look up to professionally and personally as a mentor. Similarly, when I came out to The States, I was looking for influences along those lines, who I respected in their personal life and their careers. A really good example is Allison Janney, who I worked with recently on both “Brightest Star” and “Masters of Sex.” I idolize her! I really love the way she handles herself. I think she creates amazing work and is really is respectful of the environment she works in and the people she works with. I think that is a really valuable combo!

I met with Maggie Kiley, who directed the film, a few years ago now. I had read the script and we had a little lunch where we talked about it. I just felt like we were really on the same page about who we saw Charlotte to be and the way she would be presented. The story Maggie was telling, I thought was something that being in my early 20s and feeling like I am really forging my own identity, coming across first love and experiencing heartbreak, it felt like something that made sense to me and I was really interested in pursuing. Luckily, she felt the same way! We worked together and I made a beautiful, long-term friendship with her, Chris Lowell and a bunch of other people! I feel really lucky to be a part of that!
In addition to film, you have been part of many great projects in the world of television. One of your most exciting roles is that of “Tinker Bell” on “Once Upon A Time.” How did you get involved with this iconic character and what have some of the challenges been when it comes to bringing her to life?

Another terrific project you are a part of is “Masters of Sex.” What have been the most challenging and rewarding parts of that cast?
I really enjoy working on things set in other eras for starters. I love that it was set in the 1950s and I love playing with the social norms and nuances of how maybe a teenager might hold herself then and the manner in which she would speak. At the same time, it is about juggling being incredibly honest in that moment of time. I really like the costumes, hair and environments we were filming in which really lent themselves to see that from a different world. But again, just thinking about the fact that Vivian is a nineteen year old girl who is going through the same questions, doubts and insecurities that every girl does and exploring “teenagedom” in another era is something I had a lot of fun with.

I think both of them could do with some slightly more successful romances! [laughs] Neither of them has been very successful on that front! It would be nice to see how both characters handle themselves if a more appropriate suitor came their way! Hopefully, something develops in that direction!
You are back on set for “Once Upon A Time.” Can you give us any hints on what we might expect with the new season?
Unfortunately, I don’t know a lot more than you! I did just get back here today and I have only just got scripts but I am getting some big surprises that are obviously big spoilers! I am just excited to be back with the team. I think they have some pretty cool ideas that they are trying to work into the storyline now. Finger crossed, Tinker Bell has a very interesting journey ahead!

I think every actor craves diversity and something new. We get to live a million lifetimes in one life and that is definitely what has drawn me to this field of work. Something else that is essential to me is the writing and knowing it has strong intentions and a reason for being written. It has to be incredibly entertaining, incredibly challenging or asks good questions. I like to be surprised! I don’t want to have any idea of my future or career but I definitely want to be telling stories that are meaningful.
Do you have a particular process for bringing a character to life once you have settled on a new role?
I like to listen to listen to music and read source material. I also like to meet the other cast I am going to be working with, ideally. I like to start building organic relationships with those people as it is the lion’s share of the work when you are on set. It is interesting, for things like “Masters of Sex,” my character isn’t involved in the studies at all but I still think knowing about the context of the show, Masters and Johnson, all of their research and the kind of environments her father would have been working in are very interesting and can help dictate what you bring to the show. I like to read around the character as well but on the day, you want to leave that feeling and find a really organic connection with the other people in the scene.
You are just getting started with your blossoming career but I was curious to know how you feel you have evolved as an actor since first starting out?
I would hope I have evolved a lot. I would hope that I am only really beginning for the long run as well! I love what I do and I hope I am able to do this for a very long time! I learn on every job and from every person I work with. There all sorts of different theories, methods and skills to acquire. I hope that I remain open and don’t ever get stuck in my ways and continue to learn from the terrific people around me.

They have all been really challenging in different ways. I don’t think it would be fair to give one of them that title because I think coasting in any job; you are not really serving the character or story. I think you should always be exploring and looking for new things. Each job provides new challenges and some are more physical or emotional but I think you always have to be breaking down barriers and find new paths for the characters on each and every job.
We are still very early in 2014 at this point. What are you most excited about at this point in the year and what other projects might be on the horizon for you?
I am not entirely certain what is next yet! I just came back from a beautiful month holiday in New Zealand. Ideally, a holiday like that would be working! I would love to work in New Zealand! I am just excited to be surprised by great new scripts, new stories, new people I will be working with and to stay open!
What is the best piece of advice you can pass along to young actors looking to make a career in the entertainment industry?
I think generating you own material is very useful. If you are not being hired, make you own work! I think sitting around waiting for the phone to ring can be one of the most detrimental things to an actor, their performance and confidence. You need to make opportunities to keep educating yourself. I think generating material, putting yourself out there and trying new media are very important tools for success. I think being open and not being too constrained in our ideas or where your outlets will be is very useful. Reading a lot is also very important because I think you want to have things to share with your audience that aren’t just about the particular project you are working on at the moment. You want to be sure you have read around the other subjects and have different influences in your life because they are very useful to bring on screen or onstage. Maintaining diverse interests in what read is a very useful tool.
Are you one who writes their own material and if so, do you have any aspirations to bring a project to life in some capacity other than as an actress?
Yeah! I dabble in writing and I am working on a couple of things at the moment. One isn’t for me to work on as an actor in any capacity, just as a writer. That has been a really great exercise! I have been learning a lot and I am excited about seeing that come to fruition in the next couple of years! I also have this fantasy, in the long term, of writing a novel. It is a long term plan and we will see what happens with it! I would be really psyched if I could get that off the ground!

Yeah! I actually I have worked with SAFE (Save Animals From Exploitation) in New Zealand (www.safe.org.nz). I am unfortunately unable to have an animal of my own at the moment because I travel so much for work but I am really looking into how I can work for charity this year in some capacity.
What is the best thing about being Rose McIver these days?
I feel it is still having wonderful friends and family that love me and believe in me no matter where I am or what I am doing. I am also grateful to be able to juggle a career with a happy personal and family life! I couldn’t be more grateful!
Terrific! Where are the best places for people to catch up with you online?
I am on Twitter at www.twitter.com/imrosemciver and I am also on Instagram at www.instagram.com/imrosemciver.
Thank you very much for your time today, Rose! We look forward to catching up with you again very soon! Keep up the tremendous work!
Thank you so much, Jason! It’s my pleasure! Take care!
* I bet Alex DD in her Q-and-A session tomorrow will provide the same, borderline generic answers to the career questions.
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