Free The Nipple (Monique Coleman, Casey Labow, Lina Esco) AMA!

IamA Free The Nipple (Monique Coleman, Casey Labow, Lina Esco) AMA! 

Thanks SO much for joining us today to talk about our upcoming film Free The Nipple! Learn more about the film at or on twitter @freethenipple 

First of all, thank you :) I think what you ladies started with this film is a beginning of something BIG :)! You really inspire me, and I tried to promote #freethenipple but some people got upset and refereed the movement to a big cause for more raping in society, what do you think about she-showed-skin-and-that's-why-she-got-raped theory? (I personally hate that theory)

linaescoAMALina Esco
look but don't touch. just because we are topless does NOT mean you can touch... thank you so much Hawri for all the support!!! It's sad that this is still happening, that women get raped...
linaescoAMALina Esco
doing a film about freeing the nipple does not mean go topless... its an equality issue.
Unfortunately there are a lot of ignorant people out there and we hope to change at least some of these kinds of perceptions... This is exactly why we feel this is an important message to get out! If we as a society were not so sheltered from sensuality, these types of ignorant perceptions wouldn't exist... Or rather there would be less of them...
I hate that too! I actually think that if people are more exposed to women's bodies in a non-sexual way there would be less violence against women. In any case, dialog is essential. We need men, women, and young people talking about nudity vs sexuality, and the need for equality.

I think you're absolutely right! But some people can't talk about nudity without mix it with sexuality you know. And for some, it's easier to hate than to dialog about important matters..people hate things they fear, can't handle or do themselves!

What drew each of you to the project? What are your goals? To establish more of a dialogue regarding nudity vs violence, or something else?

Honestly, for me I was drawn to the story and the strong female characters. I didn't expect it to turn into the movement that it's become. I like to be in projects that impact people in a positive way and I feel that this movie will do that.
hey jessica, to start a conversation... its important we have this conversation... there needs to be a balance... if you are going to censor nipple, sex and nudity they should also censor violence
As far as my goals, I want to build a career and life with integrity and variety. I'm passionate about so many things and drawn to all types of stories. I guess my goal is to do good work with good people and make a difference when I can
[–]caseylabowCasey LaBow
I was drawn to Lina's incredible passion and the fact that this topic is something that really needs to be addressed in a mature way.

Have you encountered any censorship problems for the film? What will it be rated?

[–]linaescoAMALina Esco 
we have encountered censorship from the moment the script was done and we wanted to shoot... our FB and Instagram page got shut down last week...but we keep going :)

Monique, after High School Musical, why did you pick a project like Free the Nipple?

Great question!!! To be honest, I was nervous about what my HSM audience would think, but I sincerely believe in the project. There are limited strong female roles in Hollywood and even less female directors. I ultimately want a diverse body of work. This film opens up conversation about censorship, equality, sexuality vs violence and other issues that I think are important to talk about.

Many times, I see one of your trailers or videos posted on facebook, reddit, or other forums and get very excited, only to see that it was a man sharing it with other men because they jacked off to it or mention they got a boner. How do you respond to this? Do you think it is damaging to the messsage as a whole, or do you sort of think, "any press is good press"?

I think you can't control peoples reactions, or reasons why they share our teaser or our links... people are the way they are... we really just want to start a conversation on this issue. The fact that guys are doing that is a direct reflection of how repressed our culture really is

hi Monique :) what actually pushed you to #freethenipple? what does it mean to you? by the way, you're amazing Monique, you're such an inspiration woman! i just wanted to tell you that. 

[–]moniquecoleman[S] 4 points ago
First of all, thanks for the love! For me, #freethenipple is about equality....In the film, I chose to keep my top on, but my mind open. I think ALL types of women should be represented regardless of comfort level to bare it all.

Caving to censorship, and re-editing the film definitely seems to defeat the purpose of the film. What purpose does the crowd-funding campaign serve in getting the film into theaters as in it's intended form? 

I will do everything possible to not re edit my film. I want people to see the film the way I intended to make it. there is not one sexual act in the film... The crowdfunding campaign is helping us get the word out and raise our marketing budget so we can promote the film ourselves and make sure it gets into theaters...
I'm really proud to be in this film and believe that the integrity and love that was put into it will be felt by anyone with a heart :)

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